Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I want to adopt a puppy from StoneRidge Doodles?
We are happy to work with you and answer any questions you might have about adopting a puppy from us. Once you make the decision that you would like to bring a StoneRidge Doodles puppy home, the first step will be to make a $350 deposit and be placed on our waiting list. At the time you do this, we will ask you to determine which list or lists you would like to be included on. Options include:
Standard Goldendoodle
Mini Goldendoodle
Standard Bernedoodle
Mini Bernedoodle
Standard Sheepadoodle
Mini Sheepadoodle
Why should I place a deposit?
Our puppies are offered first to those on our waiting lists, in the order their deposit was received – our puppies only become available to the public, after our families have had their picks from the litters. Some families place a deposit and are interested in making their selection as soon as possible. Other families place a deposit for a future selection. So, while the list may look long, often families are able to make a selection sooner than it appears.
In addition, families who have their names on our waiting lists, will be notified of upcoming litters and are the first to know when puppies are available. When a puppy is selected, your deposit will be credited toward your puppy’s adoption fee.
How do I make a deposit?
To be added to our waiting lists, select a puppy, or come out to meet a puppy and take it home, a $350 deposit must be placed. Deposits can be made through Paypal, Zelle or by mail. Please reach out to us at stoneridgedoodles@gmail.com for details on how to place your deposit.
I placed my deposit - why don't I don’t see my name on the waiting list?
Our website waiting lists are updated every 2 weeks. Please do not be concerned if your name does not appear on our website until after that time.
When will I hear from you after placing a deposit?
Be sure to watch your spam folder! Not all emails will make it into your Inbox the first time we send them.
After we receive your deposit, we are committed to working alongside of you through the process of your puppy adoption. As a litter is born that meets your desires for size, breed, and timing you will hear from us. We will share information about the litter you are available to select from once the puppies reach 3-5 weeks of age. We welcome our families to reach out to us for an update about their position on the waitlist, timing, or general questions.
Waiting List Requirements
When families are ready to get a puppy, they are eagerly waiting to hear from us as puppies are available. We do our best to work through the families on our waiting list as quickly as possible. To do that, we need your help!
Families must reply to each and every Litter Announcement within 48 hours. As soon as you reply, we are able to reach out to the next family on the list.
Failure to reply to a Litter Announcement within the required 48 hours will result in your name being moved to our Inactive list, and not being notified of future litters.
Please add the email penne.bahe.stoneridgedoodles@gmail.com to your email contact list so that you do not miss Litter Announcements and be sure to watch your spam folder for any filtered messages.
If you are not ready to select a puppy at this time, please let us know when you are interested in bringing a puppy home – we will then begin sending your announcements as you are ready.
Once I am on the waiting list, how long will I have to wait – the list is really long, will I have to wait for months?
While our waiting lists can appear long at time, there are often many families who have placed a deposit but have a date far in the future when they wish to bring their puppy home – and they are waiting. This means that while the list may look long, we are often able to place a puppy with a family much sooner than it may look.
How does the puppy selection process work?
As a deposit is made, each family designates which waiting list/lists they would like to be included on. As a litter is available, families on each list are notified via email, and provided with photos of the puppies. Families are asked to determine if they would like to be included in the selection process for that litter and have 48 hours to respond to us. Families responding within the 48 hours, may choose to select from this litter, or decline and wait for a future litter. Individuals who do not respond in the required 48-hours, will be removed from the active waiting list, and moved to the inactive list. As those on the waiting list determine whether to select from the litter or not, SRD works through the list, until all puppies have someone interested is selecting them.
Once the families selecting for that litter have been identified, the selection order will be identified based on the date their deposit was received. StoneRidge Doodles reserves the right to make the first selection from each litter, but this is not something that we do with most litters. Families will be notified of the selection order and given an estimate of the selection date.
Puppy selection day will occur by email and be scheduled as the puppies hit 6-7 weeks of age. Additional photos and an introductory video are often provided to you prior to selection day. When it is your turn to select, should a puppy not be available which meets your needs, you may choose to pass and remain on the waiting list for a future litter.
When I meet my puppy, what if he/she isn’t a good fit for me or my family?
Selecting/reserving a puppy allows you to come and meet that puppy. If the puppy is a good fit for you and your family, you are able to take your puppy home that day. But should you have any concerns, or not feel that the puppy is the right puppy for you, you may choose to pass, and elect to wait for a puppy from a future litter. If you have any concerns or questions that this may not be the right puppy for your family, do not take the puppy home.
Why did my name get removed from the waiting list – Why do you require a 48-hour response time?
We know that waiting for a new puppy is hard! And because families are anxiously waiting on our lists, we work hard to process through the names on our waiting list as quickly as possible. We require families to make a decision to be included in the selection process or to wait for a future litter within 48 hours. This also requires that when families are on our waiting list, that they check the messages in their email and spam accounts regularly to be able to meet these timelines. We work to make sure that puppies can be selected between 6-7 weeks of age, go home with their families at 8 weeks, and give families as much notice that they have a puppy coming home as possible -- the only way to do this is to process the lists in an expeditious manner. One of the ways to make sure all families are respectful to the good of all is to move their names from the active to the inactive list if they do not meet these requirements.
Why do I need to place a deposit before coming to see the puppies?
A deposit must be placed prior to coming out to meet any puppy. A deposit confirms that those meeting our puppies are committed to working with us to bring a puppy home. No exceptions will be made to this policy.
Can we come and see the puppies?
When the pandemic occurred, we, like many other industries, had to change our processes and how we did things. As we stopped having all the families coming through playing with the puppies, and sometimes visiting multiple litters, we discovered that our puppies were also healthier. We also realized that most families selected the puppy they first identified from the original photos.
Our goal is to help your family narrow their puppy selection to one puppy – we provide as many resources as possible to be sure you select the puppy which is right for you, and we are happy to answer questions you may have. Once a puppy has been selected, your family is invited out to meet their puppy. If you do not fall in love with the puppy, you may choose to not take the puppy home, and remain on our waiting list for a future puppy from a different litter. If you fall in love, you take your puppy home that day and do not have to wait for weeks – most families love this option!
Puppy Pick-up.
Your puppy pick up will occur at StoneRidge Doodles. The tentative puppy pick-up date is listed when the litters are announced.
Do you offer puppy deliveries to out of state families?
StoneRidge Doodles coordinates out of state concierge delivery. If you are interested in this – please reach out to us early to reserve a delivery time. Cost varies by destination.
When do puppies go home?
Our puppies are able to go home to their families when they turn 8 weeks old
Can I bring my other dog with to Puppy Pick up to make sure they get along?
As a licensed breeder in the State of Minnesota, we follow strict guidelines for the health of our dogs and puppies. This means that unfortunately, we are not able to allow other family dogs to visit StoneRidge Doodles. If dog compatibility is a concern for you, please feel free to connect with our team as we are scheduling your Puppy Pick Up visit to discuss strategies for introducing a new puppy to your existing pets.
What size crate should I order for my puppy?
We recommend our 30” crates for dogs who will be under 30# at adulthood, and our 36” crates for those over 30# at adulthood. Be sure to get crates with dividers so that they can grow along with your puppy.
Do you have dog food you recommend?
When it comes to your dog’s health, the best thing you can do for him/her is to provide a high-quality dog food. Puppies and dogs at StoneRidge Doodles are sent home eating PawTree dog food. We will share details for how to purchase this food as you transition your puppy home. Food changes are hard on a puppy’s system, so you should not change food for at least 30 days after bringing your puppy home. Should you choose to change food at that time, please do it slowly.
We also have some families who feed their dogs Life’s Abundance – this is also an excellent food.
Can I buy things from you? Will you help us know what we need?
StoneRidge Doodles takes pride in making bringing a puppy home simple. Doodles are our business, and we love to find the best supplies and equipment. We are able to purchase Doodle supplies at wholesale prices and share with you -- After you reserve your puppy, you will receive information and videos which will help you choose supplies which will make bringing your puppy home, easy. Not all families choose to purchase the same items, so we offer the latest and greatest items, as well as the economical tried and true options. And you can bring these items home with you from your puppy pick up. We have also put together some packages for you which will offer various levels of purchases at discounted pricing and make selecting the items you need even easier.
What does crate training entail?
Beginning at 6 weeks of age, crate training is begun. As families select their puppy, they may choose to elect crate training, and we will continue with crate training - or they may choose not to elect it, and we will discontinue the process. The goal of crate training is to help puppies come home ready to sleep through the night. The cost of your crate is not included in the price of crate training.
My situation has changed, and I can’t get a puppy right now – can I get a refund on my deposit?
Deposits are non-refundable; however, they do not expire, and may be used in the future as your situation changes. They may also be transferred to family and friends. Exceptions will not be made to this policy.
Return Policy
Puppies are living beings. It is our goal to place them with families who will give them the lives they deserve. We also strive to help our families make selections which will enhance their lives. The decision to adopt a puppy is a big one, and we encourage families to take the time and thought to make sure they are able to support a puppy. While we have health guarantees in place to provide assurances for our families, puppies are not returnable should a family change their mind about dog ownership.
In rare situations, families will have overwhelming life events. In these rare situations, at our discretion, StoneRidge Doodles may work with families to find an acceptable new home for their dog.
Vet requirements, timing, etc. and why
Every Puppy is examined by a Licensed Veterinarian and given a clean bill of health before leaving StoneRidge Doodles. As puppies transition home, our contract requires that your puppy is seen by a Licensed Veterinarian within 3 business days of puppy pick up. This visit will confirm that your puppy is healthy, assure that they are handling the transition home well, and set the stage for future vet and vaccination visits and timelines.